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AJK last won the day on August 27

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  1. Good Idea. I only run dry filters as well.
  2. Yabba dadda doo!.....Glad to here it man. Where ya going?
  3. Nice. Glad to see you guys out and in the new Rig.
  4. I saw this video on IG. I kind of figured it was the group you went out with last week. Yeah having the extra psi helps as well from what I have been told. I could be wrong but I think the arb one only does 90-100 psi.
  5. That's good news. Was about to ask what going on with it. Glad progress is in the works.
  6. AJK

    Buggy 55

    You gonna find out.
  7. AJK

    The Fishing Report

    Yeah, I can see that. You been building quite the collection.
  8. AJK

    The Fishing Report

    Look at you getting al fancy with those. I'm impressed.
  9. LOL. It took me a minute to see this was a hammer. I was like, how the hell is it supposed to turn connected to the balljoint. HA This rig looks amazing already.
  10. AJK


  11. Ohhh Yeah.....OK time for a night run in Big Bear.
  12. AJK


    I figured that. Congrats on the new truck. Yes,,,,looking at Buggies. Re-did my garage so I can park one in there soooooooo maybe soon...Maybe not.......IDK.
  13. AJK


    Do you thing that truck could tow your red jeep with a 20foot flatbed?
  14. AJK

    JLUR Rental

    I have been to Maui 3 time in the past 10 years and never made it over there. I always heard it amazing but the drive is just horrible. What were your thought?
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