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6wt last won the day on September 22

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  1. Hope it is as easy as that…
  2. Cuban black beans with soffit, roasted pork with onions & dried Chiles…
  3. 6wt

    Random Pics

    Harvest moon tonight
  4. 6wt


    RRAAIIDDEERRSS!! Great comeback down 10 in the 4th quarter on the road…and Mad Maxx dominated…
  5. 6wt

    Random Pics

    Having lived in WA for a decade now, I’m a little bit embarrassed never having visited the Jimi Hendrix Memorial in Renton…
  6. 6wt

    The Fishing Report

    Getting a few more swing style streamers ready for a three day float & camp trip in the Gunnison Gorge at the end of the month…
  7. Was getting a hankering for local Hawaiian food…lomi lomi salmon with smoked sockeye and kalua pork and cabbage…
  8. 6wt

    The Fishing Report

    You cannot drive to this place…take a two hour boat ride (without your car) and I rented a cabin that came with a beater van…years past rented a bike to fish the river
  9. Tonight, planked halibut, roasted golden beets & couscous…salad of fuji apples marinated in kimchi purée, roasted guanciale & arugula
  10. Damn…sorry man, I never had any fuel pressure issues…fuel pumps yes, but not fuel pressure. Check behind the seats to make sure one of the two circuit breakers for the fuel pump didn’t trip…
  11. 6wt


    It has always been this way against the Chargers, even in San Diego. There is a huge Raider Nation presence in LA, going back to when they were in LA for a short time between stints in Oakland
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