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fiend last won the day on June 15

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  1. Sound advice! Happy 4th everyone!
  2. Is your jeep why bubba says (on IG) that he no longer does conversions involving “used” drivetrains? Or maybe your LT was not used?
  3. fiend


    For that price I’d look at a fridge. Last year I bought an Iceco fridge for periodic Costco runs (an hour away from my house). It seems well constructed and has worked for my needs. They have a variety of models in different sizes and with more or less features. They also have periodic sales. Another option to consider.
  4. I was thinking something like this could be a good solution.
  5. lol. Yeah I don’t know what happened there. I saw it all black and thought I’d deleted the post, but I guess not.
  6. That winch looks like it sits pretty high. Hopefully doesn’t block your air flow.
  7. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    Maybe our salad.
  8. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    This guy popped his head up while we were eating dinner. This quick photo from my dining room chair was the best I could do.
  9. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    Yep, we are liking it here.
  10. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    Thanks. It is tranquil.
  11. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    Does a pet count as wildlife?
  12. fiend

    Wildlife sightings

    Yes. Part of the view, anyway. Here’s a “panoramic” shot. But it is distorted; the true field of view is about 190 degrees, instead of about 90 as this photo suggests.
  13. Jeep is looking great Mike! You must feel pretty good after all that work!
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