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Dave last won the day on January 10

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  1. On par with Bubba though.
  2. Is that the big bore box?
  3. That's an ambitious project Alan. It will be awesome I'm sure. Why do you need to trim the Genright bumper?
  4. I had the same thought about going full hydro given all the issues you're having. You've got a lot more patience & perseverance than I do!
  5. What gas did you use 75Ar25CO2 or something else?
  6. Regarding the whining noise: Maybe you need to get a mechanic's stethoscope to zero in on it. Another place to check would be the torque converter.
  7. I've never heard a battery making a noise like that. Have you ruled out A/C fan, blend door actuator & heater core?
  8. That's a good explanation. What is the issue with the EVO bolt on towers? Can you not run standard 12 coilovers with them?
  9. That's a ton of work and mind boggling. I hope when you finish you do an "as built" description of what you've done. Somewhere I missed it... what did you do with the hood. Didn't the hood it came with have integral fenders and a reverse flip to open
  10. Dave

    Random Pics

    Odd cloud formation this morning.
  11. High lift & crow bar breaker did the trick.
  12. That's the same design as the ones I looked at. What wheels do you have? My atx slabs have a thick squared off rim edge & the tire profile was flush with the rim with no room to get it started. I was skeptical that the hook on the breaker would be able to pull the wedge foot in tight without a lot of hammering & gouging the wheel. Good to hear it worked for you.
  13. I looked at the Maddox bead breaker at Harbor freight & similar on Amazon. I passed because I didn't see a way to get it started without using a jack to get it set on my wheels. I ended up using a high lift and crow bar. Could you use a jack with a 2x4 against a ceiling joist?
  14. Are going to replace the evo mounts with the same or something different?
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