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KevinG last won the day on May 25

KevinG had the most liked content!

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  1. KevinG

    JLUR Rental

    So cool. Headed there next week and so far our rental is a Camry.
  2. KevinG

    The Duck

    If you mean this Kevin, that looks a lot more dramatic than mine.
  3. Wow! Looking great!!!
  4. I'm going to switch keys with you when you aren't looking next month.
  5. KevinG


    Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel...
  6. Welcome! Glad to have you here!
  7. Welcome to 41crawlers!
  8. Looks good! I'm a big fan of the raw look.
  9. Lol, that means those three jokers have texts going with two of us. We should start a club....
  10. The more I'm looking the more I'm going down a rabbit hole. LOL.
  11. There were a few that caught my attention including this one, but on top of being propane it's a 22R. Some things going for it, but a lot that isn't. https://www.facebook.com/groups/948428678525475/permalink/7579147262120217/?sale_post_id=7579147262120217
  12. Pros/cons to propane? There is one that caught my eye on one of the classifieds that has my attention. The guy had it built for someone his height and I'm slightly taller, but it's kind of intriguing.
  13. Sorry to the WA guys. We had enough of the single digits amd since Lynne raided my buggy fund we are in Mexico for a week…
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