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Anniversary Update and Thanks.


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Well today is my one year anniversary from when my foot/leg got severely injured.  It’s been a long hard struggle both physically and mentally, especially going from the covid fiasco right into this.  It’s wild how life can completely change in the blink of an eye. I’ve learned how little I mean to some people, but how much I mean to others.  God, my wife, parents, family and a good friend have been there and helped me through this.  Oh and I cant forget my dog, him and I are best buds and hang out all day ever day.  

Well for those that didn't know I got injured at work.  I’m not going to go into any specific details, but a bundle of round bar weighing between one and one half tons end up on me.  It broke my leg and ended up landing on and crushing my foot.  I went through an initial week in the hospital which included an initial seven hour reconstruction surgery.  That was followed by a second surgery around four months later.  In the second surgery I had four of my toes amputated, which had become mummified (dry gangrene) and the tissue from half of the top of my foot which also had dry gangrene.  I’ve been through countless procedures with my last being this past Wednesday as well as a ton hyperbaric oxygen treatments at the hospital (Think Star Wars bacta tank) all in the effort to get the main wound healed.  I still have a long road ahead but have come so far and luckily still have a good portion of my foot.


Just being able to be part of this community has really helped me.  It’s given me a way to still be a part of something I enjoy so much, and gives me hope to the future of getting healed and back to my passions in life; the outdoors, wheeling, camping, fishing etc..  Thank you for letting me be a part of this site.  I look forward to the future and getting back out on the trails again with those I know as well as those I have yet to meet.


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7 minutes ago, Jdofmemi said:

That's quite the ordeal. 


Glad you seem to be on the road to recovery. 


I am looking forward to meeting you out on the trail someday. 


Until then, best of luck with getting back to "normal", whatever that is anymore. 


Thanks Jerry.  I actually met you on the last run I did right before I got injured.  You Greer and I did a run up in Big Bear right after you did the motor swap in White Jeep.



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1 hour ago, Crawl2Camp said:


Thanks Jerry.  I actually met you on the last run I did right before I got injured.  You Greer and I did a run up in Big Bear right after you did the motor swap in White Jeep.



I thought we had met, but I couldn't remember which run it was on. 

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Wow Kevin, that is way worst then I thought. I'm sorry your going through this but glad to hear your recovering. 


I'm happy you joined and knowing this forum and us have made a positive impact to you and your recovery, makes creating this forum all that more worth it.


Thank you for the kind words and looking forward to meeting you in person.

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Thanks guys for the responses. 👍  Yeah it’s been a tough year to say the least.  2100-3200 lbs really does a number on you, even when you’re wearing safety boots.  Looking forward to the future, life’s too short to dwell on the past. (Although I'm constantly reminded of it) 

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